About Us


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    Pacific Silver Lining is a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing innovative medical research while being involved in the community through its outreach programs.

  • Cancer Research:

    Pacific Silver Lining‘s nonprofit research has resulted in the development of two predictive tests for standard chemotherapy.  The research uses innovative biomarker technology to revolutionize the current standard of care for cancer patients.  With further development, this technology can lead to other world-changing discoveries.  To read more about the research, click here.

  • Mentorship Program:

    In today’s professional arena connecting students and youth to community leaders is imperative. Meeting and being mentored by community leaders gives students and youth a clearer view of the possibilities and opportunities available in their career paths.  Email us at info@pacificsilverlining.org for more information, or click here to donate.

  • Homeless Assistance Program:

    With your support, Pacific Silver Lining connects with individuals and families enduring homelessness and offers basic needs.  The gratitude and positive attitude that these individuals demonstrate impact our organization in a beautiful way.  Email us at info@pacificsilverlining.org for more information, or click here to donate.
